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Little House Campaign

The need for a safe house in Central Ohio is the most identified gap in service among all NGOs, law enforcement, treatment centers, and the legal system. Currently in Central Ohio, when a woman who has been trafficked is ready and able to “leave the life” there is no immediate place available equipped to treat this specific type of trauma. God has called us, Out of Darkness, to fill this gap. The time is now and the need is urgent. We would be honored if you would partner with us as we work to provide a safe place, a loving environment, resources, stability, hope, and a future for adult victims of human trafficking. We invite you to invest in the life of not just one woman but generations to follow, to change the trajectory of these valuable women’s lives.

What does this look like?

The Little House campaign will run for 4 weeks and you get to decide when you want it to start. We will provide a “little house” to be filled, information about Out of Darkness, and a video about us, or we can briefly speak about Out of Darkness in person at the launch of the campaign. Every week participants will bring in their spare change and fill the house. At the end of that time, the church or corporation will match the monies that were raised. Spare change can be the money left over from the last dollar bill that was broken or the $5, $10, or $20 bill that they have in their wallet, or maybe someone would be compelled to write a check or make a donation. This is a beautiful way that
anyone, no matter how young or old, can have a part in helping these women get a second chance.


More questions? Ready to get started? Email Jami. 

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to be
Out of Darkness
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Out of Darkness Ohio is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.



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