Some gave their all... for ALL of us to be free, yet far too many are still trapped in the darkness of sex trafficking here in the United States.
As we celebrate our freedom and remember the men and women who fought and gave their lives for our basic human rights, we also remember our neighbors who are still in mental, emotional, and physical bondage.
We call you to join us as a hero in the battle we still face as we fight and stand for those who are being exploited and silenced.
The goal of Frontline Response's Anti Sex Trafficking Department, Out of Darkness, is to provide holistic, individualized, and trauma-informed care to adult victims of commercial sexual exploitation through a seamless continuum of services, including outreach, jail mentorship, 24-hour hotline services, safe home services, and long-term program placement. The consistent work of the Anti Sex Trafficking Department provides a stable, safe space for victims to seek refuge. Frontline Response is poised to respond to crisis situations, efficiently coordinate the care needed for stabilization, and make connections to long-term care on behalf of victims.
You can have a profound impact on the ability of Out of Darkness to be on the frontlines, living out the mission to bring the love and hope of Christ to those caught in the darkness of sex trafficking. Please consider investing today in the life-changing services offered through outreach and short-term emergency housing. Together, we can create change that will last for eternity.